Saturday, November 27, 2010

Obama Says "Don't Touch My Junk!"

What was the internet created for? Why, for this great holiday (travel) remix highlighting people's outrage at getting a reach around at the airport. Sing it!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chip Hop and Tobacco

Haven't done any Nerd-Hop in a bit, so here are two songs that should be on your 8-bit and Synth Radar. First is TOBACCO with Anti-Pop Consortium doing TV All Greasy;

Tobacco featuring Anti-Pop Consortium - TV All Greasy by Hypetrak

Then a act that is new to me, Anamanagucci working the NES and dropping some rhymes. Word.

Download: Anamanagucci's Stoopid Relix mp3

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Build Your Own Video

Flying Lotus - Kill Your Co-Workers from Warp Records on Vimeo.

Flying Lotus shows us what Beeple can do, putting out their video "Kill Your Co-Workers" using the free to download 3-D characters on the Beeple website. IMMA BUILD ME A ROBOT MUSZIK VIDEEO!!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Justin Bieber is Amazing

Now before you say "Whaaaaa?" you have to listen to his song, U Smile, to recognize the beauty that is Bieber. Oh, did I mention that you have to listen to it slowed down 800%? What, you mean to tell me that you don't listen to all your pop music that way? Well fans, you are clearly missing out, as the Bieb's hauntingly beautiful song demonstrates:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

I Lesbians this Movie

Have you seen Scott Pilgrim Vs The World? No? Well, go see it, it's great. Whether you think its a good movie or not, the Nerd-O-meter went off the scale on this one. As soon as the opening credits rolled I thought "Hmmm, looks like FLCL, THAT'S MY FAVORITE SHOW!!!!"

How to describe it? Think of a live action Furi Kuri with endless video game references mixed together with some excellent music and you've got yourself Scott Pilgrim v All. And I read somewhere that the guys from Shaun of the Dead had a hand in making it, so what's not to like? In fact, stop reading this and get in line to see it... now.

New Looks, Less Eye Gouging

I slapped up a new theme for Geekbot, the old one (while incredibly awesome) was a wee bit.... crappy. In my defense, I put it together in like fifteen minutes having no idea how blogger templates work, but now I'm hunting for a better design.

Anyhoo, I'll rotate through a few and we'll see which one works the best. For now enjoy the new layout, its a non-custom build, but at least it won't make your eyes bleed.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Wicked 8Bit Game

I think 8-bit versions of songs are pretty hit or miss, but SadNES does a pretty wicked 8-Bit cover of Chris Isaak's Wicked Game.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Casio Watches Tell The Time for Toro Y Moi

This is a great video. If you don't know Toro Y Moi, then you missed out one of last year's best new breakout artists. But fear not, apparently he is still making music a whole year later! Yours Truly (the website, not me) has released a video he made during one of his first sessions in an actual recording studio. Amazingly talented and a must see, here's "You HiD" by Toro Y Moi

Violins Make Super Mario Even More Awesome

Japanese Violinst Teppei Okadanot not only plays the soundtrack for World 1-1 of Super Mario Brothers, he also plays the sound effects. Nice.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Star Wars Trilogy Told in 2 Minutes with Legos

BoingBoing alerted me to this great... ah... I'll just shut up so you can watch it:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Robots Love the Earth. It's True. We love the way the Sun recharges our batteries, clean water refreshes our hydrogen cells and that we have an abundance of beautiful animals and people to chase for specimen collection. None of this would be possible without protecting this World we live on, so make a real change in your life to keep it safe and healthy for Robots and Man alike....

Happy 40th Anniversary of Earth Day!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All I Can Say is... Wow

Just when you thought the world had grown cold and dark because William Shatner was done blessing us with his musical stylings, he shares this with the world.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Song, One Not Song

This first video making its way around the nets is not a music video (although I guess you could hum something while watching it) but it comes highly recommended. (Thx Mere!)

And just to stay cool with the music theme police, here is an oldie but a goodie; Pleix films does the music video for Birds by Vitalic. Slo-mo Dogs and Lazers, mMMMhmmm!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Spring in Your Step

It is getting warmer now, winter is on the way out finally and it seems like we can start thinking about the warm summer nights ahead of us.

Wallpaper is an Oakland duo droppin some dope rhymes about everything from summer fun to sexting. That's right, I said dope. Like it's 1994. America, love it or leave it buddy.

Why these guys get Geekbot Cred, for a song about Getting your Freak on via IM

And since you can't swing a dead cat around here without running into Jonathan Coulton, here is is very NSFW song about the Joy of Spring

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yo Gabba Gabba, I Heart You... and Bugs

Yo Gabba Gabba is the best. The great Nickelodeon show drifts in and out on my radar as time goes by, never failing to impress me by booking some amazing acts to teach kids about everything to eating their vegetables to strangers. This month has been especially great apparently, with the Yo Gabba Gabba crew getting one of my all time favorite acts Black Moth Super Rainbow and the Pop monsters Weezer to sing songs about bugs.

Not only can Praying Mantises nab sweet sweet hummingbirds, but they also play a mean set of drums.

Next time you don't feel like eating your Vegetables, just remember that sad little carrots and green beans want to go to the "Party in Your Tummy."

Monday, March 8, 2010

Watts Happenin'?

I'd actually never heard of Reggie Watts until I saw his appearance in a commercial a few months ago, but I'm starting to see that he has more musical talent packed in 10 seconds of one of his songs than I would have in my entire life. to prove it, here is a battery commercial. Yes, a commercial.

A longer piece, worth it just for the ad-lib BBC report at the end.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Puppet Power

"Paddling Ghost" by Dan Deacon

I'm often not sold on a song until I see the video. This is one of those songs. Ghosts. Pirates. All for $100 in production costs. Pretty dang good.

Another from the same videographer, Natalie Van Den
"Sunny Side of the Street" by Brother Earth

The Classic Mr. Oizo
"Flat Beat" by Mr Oizo

"United States of Whatever" Sifl and Olly

"I went down to the beach and saw Kiki and she was all like "eeehh" and I'm like "Whateva!"

Lady Gaga covered by The Muppets

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Lights, LEGOs... ACTION!!!

(I am LEGO Stephen Hawkings and I approve this message:)

These songs, though most-excellent, aren't directly nerdy themselves, but instead are charged with 8-bit power from lights, LEGOs and dice, making us clap are hands in geeky glee!

"Ankle Injuries" by Fujiya & Miyagi

Anti-Anti by Snowden

"Happy Up Here" by Royksopp... SPACE INVADERS HOOOOO!!!!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

"...Does that belt say STAR WARS??!!!"

One of last years best new hip-hop acts, The Cool Kids, also had a couple of great nerdy songs. A Little Bit Cooler is a winner for namedropping both Street Fighter and Star Wars in a song in a way that makes you shake your butt.

Nothing says "I'm smarter than you" like winning the dozens, more commonly known as a Yo Mama off. A classic song from a great 1990's group The Pharcyde, breaks it down so you can learn a little something about how your brotherman sees your mother, man.

"Crooked" Evilnine ft. Aesop Rock

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bobby McFerrin Controls Your Mind

World Science Festival 2009: Bobby McFerrin Demonstrates the Power of the Pentatonic Scale from World Science Festival on Vimeo.

This Clip is a couple of months old, but since it has to do with mind control, I'll post it. Why wasn't Bobby McFerrin my music teacher instead of Mr. Kreeb? Oh, well.

Oh, and speaking of mind control, if you ever want to control the minds of your friends, try this trick. Write this on a piece of paper:

Hand it to one of your easily mind controlled buddies, and ask them to read the numbers off the paper quickly and out loud, but individually, not as big numbers. So they will say "Three. Three three. Three three three" etc. AS SOON AS THEY FINISH THE SERIES say:

"Now Quick! Say a color and tool."

They will say (if they are weak of will and subject to your near-infinite powers of mind control) RED and HAMMER.

Which is what you were just thinking right now, and is what you will have written on the back of the paper so that when your weak-minded friend turns it over, you will blow their minds like I just blew yours...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Admiral Ackbar for Ole Miss

Unhappy with Colonel Reb, the University of Mississippi's racist team mascot, the students were asked to find pick a new mascot for their college. The students went big, and are now seeking to replace the Colonel with an Admiral... Admiral Ackbar to be precise. Too awesome for words.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why Jonathan Coulton is a Hero

So let's be very clear here; Jonathan Coulton is not going to have a hard time showing up here at Geekbot Boombox. He might as well be the site Troubadour. I mean really, is it hard to understand why? He's musically talented, funny, has a great backstory, and just seems like a nice guy. Oh yeah, and he did this:

Stop... Vader Time!

Aphex Twin vs a Four Year Old Girl

Best video edit into a song I've seen, hands down.

Computer Arts= Software and Hardware

This one was easy. You can't talk computers with out the Official Coder's Anthem
"Code Monkey" by Jonathan Coulton

"14 Zero Zero" by Console

Space Battle

Outer Space is the place to be, outer space is the place for me. Songs about space that make you go "ooOOoooOOo"

Carl Sagan ft. Stephen Hawking- "Glorious Dawn"

"The Galaxy Song" by Monty Python

"Space" by The Beta Band

"Major Tom" by Peter Schilling

Songs In Orange and Blue

Hello and bienvenue to Geekbot Boombox!

Okay, so what better way to christen a site dedicated to Smart Music for Smart Folks than with two songs from one of the best games of all time; Portal? The first song is the last thing you hear when you finish Valve's puzzler game, Jonathan Coulton's epic "Still Alive":

The Second song is a Portal inspired remix: "The Device Has Been Modified" by, aptly enough, The Victims of Science:

Thanks to Andrew and Meredith for VoS!