Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day Everyone!

Robots Love the Earth. It's True. We love the way the Sun recharges our batteries, clean water refreshes our hydrogen cells and that we have an abundance of beautiful animals and people to chase for specimen collection. None of this would be possible without protecting this World we live on, so make a real change in your life to keep it safe and healthy for Robots and Man alike....

Happy 40th Anniversary of Earth Day!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

All I Can Say is... Wow

Just when you thought the world had grown cold and dark because William Shatner was done blessing us with his musical stylings, he shares this with the world.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Song, One Not Song

This first video making its way around the nets is not a music video (although I guess you could hum something while watching it) but it comes highly recommended. (Thx Mere!)

And just to stay cool with the music theme police, here is an oldie but a goodie; Pleix films does the music video for Birds by Vitalic. Slo-mo Dogs and Lazers, mMMMhmmm!