Sunday, February 28, 2010

Why Jonathan Coulton is a Hero

So let's be very clear here; Jonathan Coulton is not going to have a hard time showing up here at Geekbot Boombox. He might as well be the site Troubadour. I mean really, is it hard to understand why? He's musically talented, funny, has a great backstory, and just seems like a nice guy. Oh yeah, and he did this:

Stop... Vader Time!

Aphex Twin vs a Four Year Old Girl

Best video edit into a song I've seen, hands down.

Computer Arts= Software and Hardware

This one was easy. You can't talk computers with out the Official Coder's Anthem
"Code Monkey" by Jonathan Coulton

"14 Zero Zero" by Console

Space Battle

Outer Space is the place to be, outer space is the place for me. Songs about space that make you go "ooOOoooOOo"

Carl Sagan ft. Stephen Hawking- "Glorious Dawn"

"The Galaxy Song" by Monty Python

"Space" by The Beta Band

"Major Tom" by Peter Schilling

Songs In Orange and Blue

Hello and bienvenue to Geekbot Boombox!

Okay, so what better way to christen a site dedicated to Smart Music for Smart Folks than with two songs from one of the best games of all time; Portal? The first song is the last thing you hear when you finish Valve's puzzler game, Jonathan Coulton's epic "Still Alive":

The Second song is a Portal inspired remix: "The Device Has Been Modified" by, aptly enough, The Victims of Science:

Thanks to Andrew and Meredith for VoS!