Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Deaths in a Mad World

BoingBoing put together this awesome retrospective montage of video game deaths that will test your classic game recognition skills. But lurking in the background is a Chiptune cover of Tears for Fears "Mad World", an 8-bit melody that as haunting as it is apropo.

You can grab the mp3 from their site here, as well as an alt-version in a lower key.
Or just play the song:
Chip World by beschizza

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cuz Deer Are Awesome

Are deer hip? Not sure, but whatever.... Matta and "Release the Frequency"

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Who knew the Empire Was So Sensitive?

Believe you me, when they're not out hunting droids, Stormtroopers are belting out some sweet slow jams. Scattered Trees sings a StarWars-a-fied version of their song "Love and Leave"